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to Suds & Sarcasm


My Suds & My Sarcasm

When I was little, I would stand on a chair at the counter and take a bowl and start pouring in salt, sugar, pepper, mustard, mayo, and anything else I could get my hands on. I was always hoping for the ingredients to turn into something amazing. Instead, I was rewarded a mess to clean up. If I had ever gotten a chemistry set for Christmas, I may have been a scientist (preferably for NASA). As it happened, I didn’t get one and went into education and library science instead. The desire to create something meaningful never went away. Neither did my smart-ass mouth that has gotten me in trouble more times than I can count. I love sarcasm. Make that LOVE. It’s my freaking favorite. By the number of bath products I have purchased and the space they take up, my husband would say those are my favorite. He would be wrong. I love him anyway. So here I am, sharing my creations and sarcasm. Enjoy.

Bath & Body

I’m a sucker for scented lotions and shampoo and conditioner that smells amazing. The problem is, I have sensitive skin and oily hair. Yay for genetics! I’m also picky. I don’t want to feel greasy. And I’m lazy, so a sugar scrub is waayyy more enticing than other methods of exfoliation. By making my own products, I of course get control over ingredients. I use natural ingredients when possible, but I also use preservatives so that none of you have products that turn to green mold in a week. Cuz’ gross. I know some of my product smell freakin’ amazing, but please don’t use any products that irritate your skin or that have ingredients that you are allergic to. If you do, I will have to roll my eyes and disparage your intellect. Products are handmade in small batches, so there will be variations in color and size.


My Tribe

So much support


Look at these faces. I heart them and they heart me. Seriously. You know they do because they are grown-ass adults willing to wear matching shirts for me. That is true love. They make it possible for me to have this business.

Why are you still trying to learn about me? Creep. Go shopping.
